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go,across because they built this big,freeway that went sort of parallel with,the bridge to stop all of the traffic,because this used to be the only way to,get across it whereas now they built,that freeway to kind of reduce the risk,of any type of threat or anything and,now it’s more of just like a scenic,route that you can do we can come check,it out I like a slingshot maybe that’s,for a bar,so the Hoover Dam is a hydroelectric dam,which is why you can see tons and tons,of these electricity poles pylons,there’s so many look out here,and basically what they do is they use,the water from the dam that it passes,through these huge turbines and that,generates electricity basically so,hydroelectric Ward’s arc electric in,case you don’t know what hydro and,electric man what man together so yeah,here’s the bridge so this is the big,bridge that they built,and I’ve actually fly on the other side,of that helicopter oh my god he is,gorgeous holy mackerel,Batman,it’s a big old fridges,so we just went to try to park and the,lady said that that is the closest,parking lot but I figured we could drive,across the bridge first have a look at,what the dam looks like turn around go,back and then we’ll go for a little walk,because I’m not really ready to get out,of the car yet,and when we were yeah yeah in case you,guys weren’t aware this is where the,transformers super bases it’s a pretty,closely guarded secret but a few of us,actually know about it so underneath,here is where the transformers are and,then also if you can see this here it,says the by the time you see that,see it so actually that is a monument to,MC Hammer on the other side it says,hammer time this is fun yeah I’m fun I’m,fun I’m enjoying myself so apparently,this is the only like project government,project that was finished ahead of,schedule and under budget I don’t know,how they managed to do that I heard it,from Jim on the helicopter tour he told,me but yeah apparently that is the case,which is incredible when you think about,it because where where do you start like,how do you begin building something like,this cuz a lot as though this was built,recently you know like how its buffers,my mind my tiny little braids wow it’s,windy up here but this is the backside,of hoover dam so we’ve just got to take,this and we can do that by magic so,we’re gonna zoom there right so this is,the high tide mark here than this white,section this tan line is where the water,used to be on the Ferrari California so,yeah basically this feeds the dam it,comes all the way down,that goes draw that and then out the,other side but hopefully there’ll be,some plaques and we’ll learn exactly how,because I am NOT the best Hoover dam,expert in the world having only been,here once and this being that one time,hey Siri are there really transformers,at the Hoover Dam don’t laugh I need to,we so bad I just said the title of this,video might end up being piss my pants,at the Hoover Dam brackets world’s,highest mileage Lambo after guac so far,before we get to anywhere near a toilet,I should’ve drank all that iced tea I’m,like a new man I’ve never been so proud,proud I’ve never been so excited to see,my life anyway here we are refreshed and,at the top of the hill now so this is it,this is what it looks like,looking down which is quite terrifying,but I was saying I think if you took a,run up you could jump you could get you,back on there and you could slide down,you’d immediately be obliterated when,you got to the bottom but I think you,can make it there pretty much unscathed,you’re right it would it would take the,concrete in the middle of this is still,wet No,he said it was gonna take almost 300,years to cure it so so once again an,effort to bring you high quality and,performative education we’re gonna go to,the Hoover Dam exhibits and see well I,guess one again in here okay,we tried so yeah the secret entrance to,the Transformers cave is underneath the,big towers here so this is Lake Mead and,Lake Mead was created by damming the,Colorado River which is what flows,through and powers the down now they’ve,made this roof in great big Dam Lake,yeah making Leki over here so a little,bit more history about the dam there was,actually a intense bidding war when the,dam was completed between Dyson and,between Hoover the two biggest vacuum,cleaner manufacturers in the world,and it was closed but Hoover eventually,won and so this was going to be called,the Dyson Dam but actually Hoover won,the rights and it has been that for the,last 400 years and there’s actually talk,of it becoming the t-mobile dam soon I,think that the license is up for tender,so keep your eyes peeled,maybe I could get in there maybe could,be the swords down oh she sure is pretty,by Hoover Dam it was fun I enjoyed that,thank you okay so this is actually off,our roof but I just got this run which,is beautifully made,and quite twisted,you know,[Music],performanc familiar,okay so we got to the end of that,beautifully paved twisty road,the reason it’s beautifully paved is,because it leads to a lookout point the,road is about an eighth of a mile long,and I guess screaming so let’s just talk,for a second about the fact that this,car has done 183 thousand eight hundred,and twenty three miles and it drives,like a new car I mean seriously the gear,shift is just a squint it pulls nice and,strong the exhaust sounds amazing,the interior is still incredibly good,considering its had a it’s a rental I,mean don’t forget this is a rental this,isn’t somebody’s pride and joy this is,something that people get into they,drive for four hours and then they hand,back and as much as it is an exotic and,people will take care of it it’s a,rental and it’s done a hundred and,eighty three thousand miles I just I,can’t get over that and so it like said,earlier it’s a testament to the build,quality of these cars and so when people,think that supercars are you know you,have to handle