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look at this this is so cool alright,let’s see what’s in this now today we,have spent $25,000 on an eBay mystery,books the main reason we did this is,because they said we could get a,PlayStation 5 in it so let’s find out if,we did or didn’t we also have this,mystery box that logitech sent us over,and we’re super hyped to open up that as,we have this other mystery box sent to,us Flo mouths eyes so we’re really,looking forward to opening that as well,but let’s start off with the $25,000 tag,on let’s break in eBay mystery fuck this,thing you’re gonna get out of the way,here and we’re hoping that there is,something good is I don’t really know,how much I trust this kid with the knife,you should trust me a lot Tommy,I’m glad a knife what have I ever taught,you huh not exactly now a lot of people,miss scared when I play all right let’s,get into this whoa alright we’re,starting up with something really really,cool right now we’ve got something that,it’s actually a sick startup so where’s,that oh my goodness you sliced it with,the knife do you what so we’re starting,off with the PlayStation 4 but this is,not in a box or anything but if you can,see that Johnny just cut that with the,knife so it’s crazy that just shows you,when you’re opening up a mystery box you,got to be real careful where the blades,going that’s like that’s not that’s it’s,$25,000 mystery box you’re gonna expect,a lot of stuff I got to remember guys,this is 20 yeah $25,000 so that’s why,we’re not going so crazy about it okay,so this mystery buck seems to be,PlayStation themed because there’s a lot,of PlayStation stuff in here but there,is also some Nintendo switch stuff in,here so take a look at this guy’s it’s a,Bass Pro Nintendo switch game,oh all right guys and iPad right there,that is awesome,all right so we have this big thing in,here what is it I don’t actually know,wait what oh my goodness okay I don’t,know it looks like a chess I think we,had something like this before what I,think we’re gonna wait to open this up I,think that could be something really,good in here I reckon and hopefully yeah,we’ll wait we’ll wait we’re gonna leave,this here and we’re gonna open this,toward a random point in this video whoa,Tommy look at this guy’s it’s like this,old book what’s in it,okay what’s it oh no no I some awesome,silver set that looks so awesome right,there that is so cool dude,oh I’m keeping that over yeah I’m,looking forward to what’s in this next,now come on Tommy all right what is this,guys I don’t even know what’s going it’s,over again Tommy Oh fine fruits silver,year say I don’t know what that oh hey,what the heck if this is silver dude,that’s worth quite a lot of money,oh looks it is they look like silver,coins guys quality fuck oh wow that’s,awesome,you don’t know silvers actually very,expensive all right here we go guys I’m,going in oh my goodness Tommy what you,don’t even believe what I just found,what oh my goodness I think what guys,they’re Pokemon the hearts okay first of,all we are healthier yet,Moltres oh my goodness up those he’s,original these are the original gotta,see,Meganium oh my goodness hoo step,sceptile venusaur jinx pikachu oh my,good,these are all like really expensive,packaging that means these are probably,worth a lot of money they’re the old,gee-tar some folks were going in a,circle,I’m going,come on I wanna go back to my son all,right,oh yeah,oh yeah tell me God I think it’s another,silver coin set oh my goodness are you,come on one of these is my goodness that,is so thick it’s as thick as my finger,that is how much would this what,seriously how much would this be why do,I even know but that is awesome are and,I’m getting into the next item right now,this is actually insane,oh the beats pill this is so cool what’s,the heck I’m gonna be little bit sick,guy alright let’s see what else well,okay I’m actually gotten like three of,these recently people love to give them,MacBook Pro this is the latest one as,well guys it’s really hocked about I,open it that we’ve got literally three,of these now we have like three of them,that will just love to give them in,mystery boxes that is so cool man,that is so cool there’s so much more,good stuff in here guys oh my goodness,no no way I’m pulling that two things,sorry Tommy,guys true I know what this is yeah,another silver proof coin set Wow look,at this oh my goodness dude this box is,gonna make us so much money another one,right there another one right there,are you serious that is all okay there’s,more stuff in this box but I really want,to open up what Logitech sent us so as,we mentioned earlier Logitech actually,sent us our mystery box which is so cool,so let’s see what’s in this right now,all right come on tell me,who’s like they whoa you know if you got,a big box it’s gotta be something I’m,bringing this closer to the camera cuz I,don’t even know what’s in this so it’s,green taped up with that tape and you’re,out look at this this is so cool alright,let’s see what’s in this now do the,astral 8:50 wait what this is like a,five hundred dollar headset and they,look awesome Wow the new smell guys just,likes this headset is so expensive it’s,sick dude oh good nice oh oh,sir if you guys didn’t know this headset,has super comfy yeah super comfy and,it’s gonna let your ears breathe it’s,also got the wireless torque off is,allotropy see it works with Xbox one,Windows and Mac that’s pieces yeah that,is piece all right good and guys it,comes with this little base station to,charge it because it is wireless headset,so if you’re gaming with these you’re,gonna be in real comfort and the sound,quality is great that is awesome all,right guys we don’t know oh my goodness,this looks awesome and I think I know,what this is I think I know what but I’m,not joking please come on Bay what I,think it is for you what I think it is,we wore this looks sick our GP GP on,love our GP RGB is like my favorite this,it’s like one of the most I can feel I,can say all of his spit you can’t have,tallies excited they got to hear the set,you just need to pull that off alright,this is gonna be awesome,oh my look at this this is so pretty,probably worth a few hundred dollars,ease oh my goodness hang on before we,click OK look at how crisp that is and,it’s got literally this it okay you,ready you ready I’m tweaking okay right,now,as a fifth paw that is this is this is,one of the most quasi on grover we’re,hoards I’ve ever seen oh this smells,awesome,all right tell me your town right now,that is right you want to get any of,this logitech stuff just go to their,website or in-store whatever I,personally think that their stuff is,sick and I’m not just saying that,because I sent it to us that quality is,just so next level all right there’s a,no thing in here what the heck is that,and I think I’m gonna know what this is,what I think it’s gonna be a mouse maybe,no mouse would be like we do not what oh,it is a mat it is so guys the g6o for,this is a wireless gaming mouse all,right oh look at this thing it looks,really cool looking a lot okay I’m,getting it straight out of this this,looks like oh my oh that’s even got like,the next love little blue sticky stuff,on it,oh that click feels so good very,comfortable as well like this fits your,hand really really wow that looks really,oh I got to say those are three items,that I really think are sick alright,there’s still white board in this box,right now actually I’m gonna pull out,this and then maybe we open this thing,Tommy alright which thing that oh yeah I,forgot about that okay here we go guys,I’m opening this it’s got the Olympic,symbol on it so I’m assuming it’s gonna,be something really all 19 not 1896 to,1996 alright let’s see this right now,more silver are you serious more silk,how much money is in this also guys we,didn’t even realize on this mess there’s,like buttons on the side as well it’s,like one but there’s like six buttons,and then a plus and minus button there,there’s so many buttons on these things,just been incredible I reckon you open,something that’s so more in our ebay,mystery box I can’t believe it it was,better in the Logitech box so far than,an eBay mystery box at $25,000 well,alright here we go,whatever these are we’re about to find,out,geppu here we go that’s two of them sir,yes I’ve got one I get one whatever’s in,it but I honestly don’t even know eyes I,all right let’s say this right now I got,no idea what this is I guess I’ll just,watch you open it what on earth is this,[Music],looks like a tablet or something this is,natural it feels really heavy oh my,goodness what okay so I think this is,like a TV / tablet monitor maybe more,let me read this and it’s got like a,base okay it’s a portable monitor you,can plug it into your laptop your,desktop wherever and you do it’s like a,second screen can you plug it into your,phone and it plugs in I think by USB,sync yeah yeah it’s not like a power,cord look at that so you can plug it,into there that is awesome and we got,two yeah we’ve got two of them the,reason this uses you could use these on,my holidays or anything like that you’re,basically their little it here that’s a,really cool item right there Wow who’s,I’ve never even heard that brand so now,you have pretty awesome it’s it all,right all right I finally got it all,whoa oh my goodness okay Jane Sarah,literally 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13,14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 games,that’s a lot of games oh my goodness is,red dead as spider-man this Far Cry,primal there’s Pokemon there’s,everything you could imagine but it,still doesn’t amount $25,000 it doesn’t,but we swear not forgetting this and,dude we’ve gotten that many silver coins,what are you talking about and where,pokemon cards oh good,looks like there’s like two more I’m,gonna just assume these are silver coins,again because everything else was being,so well we’ll work one of you I mean are,you upset with that I can’t be upset,wait one our silver fruit quainter so,mean that’s pretty close two of them as,well disappointed not at the silver I,love silver but at the fact that we,spent $25,000 I reckon we’ve easily,gotten that,there are silver alone I mean the silver,value probably has made us like 1015,down let’s not forget the main reason we,bought this box alright one of the main,things we bought this box for was,because I said you could get a,PlayStation 5 so I didn’t see a,PlayStation 5 but there is this and I,think that this was a Call of Duty box I,did a bit of research in our downtime I,think it was a Call of Duty box wait and,there is something actually in it,alright it’s like the goal you have,received the golden PS 5 ticket this,ticket ensures that you will be one of,the first to receive a PS 5,congratulations ticket number 564 and,it’s got that PlayStation website there,guys is this for real,I’m gonna go to that site and find out,this is actually for real cuz if it is,the Playstations like a few thousand,dollars these days pretty awesome so,Australian that is guys it take that,alright I guess I probably makes that,money back from being honest,alright guys that’s gonna wrap up this,video I hope you guys enjoyed if you did,smash a like and subscribe and we’ll see,you guys in the next one,see ya later guys see you later guys bye