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know the past,couple days I’ve been getting into a,realm of YouTube which I went down long,rabbit holes on that ain’t Craigslist,and let’s just say one from doing,storage units which I love doing storage,units to now I found another it took me,a long time to find one of these I was,always searching for one they’re really,hard to get now I don’t know why they’re,so hard to get but an amazon return,palette I found one he was wanting $900,for this thing I spoke to him I got it,for five so I’m paying five hundred,bucks for this he’s saying that there’s,24 he was twenty four thousand,twenty-five thousand dollars worth of,stuff here MSRP so who really knows,exactly how much is there but I’ve got a,manifest list if I actually get to sift,through this is the address and it’s a,four four eight yeah all right how you,doing just turn it right here going,it’s another uh another one of these,Craigslist adventures oh he didn’t give,me any numbers hey hey man what what,what numbers is a house I didn’t have,you didn’t give me any numbers so I’m,just sitting at the stop I should be,right in front of your house right now,then I’m good,nothing of color how did I yeah this is,him how the hell did he get an Amazon,return pallet inside of his damn garage,I wasn’t gonna ask him he was doing that,maybe he was gonna do this oh he’s got a,bunch of boxes in there,who’s this old attorney this is all,customer returns yeah no I wouldn’t,think so a lot of it’s like brand-new,in-the-box most that some of its been,open you know,I mean it looks slightly scared you,might why the guy told me that it was a,it was too much work for himself to do,it because it was it’s too many items,while doing this I’m hoping that this,thing actually has I don’t know if you,guys think about if you just if you feel,what don’t wait till the end to say that,hopefully I can actually say something,positive in this money and time I guess,I didn’t show you guys this but I,actually had to pull over in rear at,this thing at Home Depot cuz that guy,only put four layers it was already,peeling on oh and you probably wondering,why I’m wearing black gloves kind of a,germaphobe I don’t know who what’s,inside these things alright let’s see,what kind of junk we got stuck with the,box number one it’s an Amazon box so the,guy so we got I don’t I told you guys,this we have Amazon and we have some,Best Buy stuff so you’re gonna see Best,Buy in Amazon,Falcon trifles what’s this for design,for Samsung ok so the way that I’m gonna,be doing this is I’m not gonna be,looking at the items that are being sold,on eBay we’re gonna be looking at items,as how they how they’ve actually can,been completed insult I can get 6 bucks,a pop for one of these so 24 30 36 who’s,42 42 what does that almost 10% on my,money back on the first box for 500,bucks in to this entire entire trade the,gentleman who I bought it from said that,it was I think it was 24,000 he sent me,a manifest it was MSRP for 24 grand at,the end of this we’re actually gonna,find out really what’s a feasible number,and how long it’s gonna take me to,actually recoup some of this money but,once I learned that this was actually,feasible business it gave me kind of,motivate that my goal I I’m actually I’m,gonna sit up here at all we’re gonna,surround up these we need to get sticky,new okay so these are brand spanking new,they say $69.99 on them we all know,that’s not gonna happen so I just threw,20 bucks on the brand new they’re mostly,selling online for about 35 to 40 but,this brain is not on I can’t find an,exact one on ebay so 20 bucks when I’ll,there’s 40 we’re already eighty six,dollars back through five hundred and,that is box number one so all we’re,gonna do is take this small stretch wrap,this stuff right here and then wrap it,up tight right here,because we’re actually going to be doing,all this shipping and receiving out of,our other warehouse and we have up in,Oklahoma fully staffed and there’s a ton,of stuff because this this is supposed,to have six hundred and sixty-four items,in it,there’s no way that me and him we’re,gonna do six hundred sixty-four items,ourselves when it comes to shipping you,can good nobody’s gonna put anything in,box we’re golden,okay what in the world are these laptop,power supplies so looks like we have an,entire box of de nack laptop power,supplies I would assume mostly he’s got,returned because people would have the,wrong one okay so quick a little update,myself and cam started actually posting,some of the stuff up on up on ebay just,to just to kind of get a feeling how,long it would take to do this much which,I mean look how many boxes we still have,left we haven’t made a dent we’ve we’ve,done two boxes so far two boxes or the,stuff so every single one of these is,actually different they go to a,different computer and we’ve got the the,price on each one of these like it’s a,sony samsung couple HP’s bunch of Dells,and so phone and so forth we put some of,the stuff these we put online and then I,think I got I think I got an idea how,we’re gonna do the rest is I’m gonna,unbox it all wrap it up get it shipped,back to put it back onto a pallet and,then we’ll give you the final total of,how much money we have on this compared,to how much we paid well here you go,here’s a good one these are boost,signals cell phone boosts signals for,inside your house these are fully fully,everything’s here we’re gonna get at,least at minimum 200 bucks a pop for,these are someone for 280 I’m gonna put,them on there for 200 sorr 600 bucks,just with that alone that’ll put us a,hundred dollars in profits if we can,sell these already out the gate and we,still have all that I hate if this pans,out I know it might be a little bit of,work but this could this bit this could,really be fun this could be awesome oh,wow this is an actual battery,oh here we go what do we got,Oh macbook pro MacBook Pro cases Oh baby,girl look at that,these things have a price tag on the,side of them already a $59 $49.99 I bet,you that these are all fine look we’re,gonna have to go through and look at all,I could see is getting 20 bucks for,these things oh this is new 15 2015,model oh these are all different these,are all they fit they fit the model 2017,there okay okay have an entire box full,of MacBook will see some users and find,swapping Wilke will break them they’re,good they’re golden they’re just,returned ah dude this is this one’s good,entire box so we’re gonna get seven,bucks for this in 10 for each one of,these to do so you got 763 what are you,two hundred three dollars worth of,MacBook cases it’s not bad not a bad day,right there okay well while cameras,doing that I’m gonna go ahead and uh,let’s see what else we got here what’s,this box from doesn’t say go and pop it,up right here okay these are oh there we,go,leave it in there we got some headphones,here video long talks Bluetooth speakers,this was this was heavy danila bride’s,been open yet oh yeah what’s a total,what are we up to now we’re up to,thirteen hundred and forty-three dollars,so far and this is everything on pretty,much a low end I’m putting everything,for bid but this is pretty much what,everything is selling for that that’s,what I did eBay is really insane that it,actually tells you like I could type in,this item right here whatever this is,the HRC are five one three,this little headrush thing it’s gonna,tell me exactly what it’s selling for,and that’s pretty much what I’m gonna do,see this one this one looks like it’s,not even out of the box not even out of,the bag look at this look at that that,is what I’m talking about Bluetooth,speaker with NFC I don’t know what that,means,looks like a pretty good speaker though,it’s heavy some more speakers with,wireless speakers oh there we go bigger,bill blue boot big ol blue blue big ol,big ol big big boom box is bluetooth,got two of those and then the final,thing that’s actually inside there oh,look at this,true wireless earbuds on one of these,weren’t used well I mean look how good,some of the stuff,that’s good this stuff’s gonna sell this,is all still new inside the package just,returned so we just open up another box,and we got two more of these those are,ten bucks a pop so there’s no 20 bucks,and these right here I don’t know how,many I didn’t even count them but we,have wireless chargers these are going,for we get three bucks for each one of,these or some for five I’ll put them on,for three times how many 246 doll hairs,worth of wireless chargers three dollars,a pop now I mean that’s a good box you,guys think about it I think we’re up to,about I didn’t cam just love to go get,some water real quick but we got around,eighteen hundred dollars so far and we,have a very large amount of boxes still,we’re left behind I’m gonna get this,uploaded back in here and uh you know,I’m actually you know what I’ll keep it,all kind of laid out so you guys can I,do have an idea exactly what kind of,stuff we did have at the end oh there we,go there we go I know these are gonna,sell cuz I have to buy these myself,GoPro chargers oh another another head,rush another bluetooth another one of,those look at that there we go that’s,money those are gonna be bought what,else we got I to use is this digital AM,AM FM pocket radio kinda strange,energizer more battery chargers battery,chargers never even known that they were,still making those this is real I,thought this is not a joke talk aren’t,you,just just go ahead Nick again heard that,what does that say let’s just say talk,on your phone by extending your thumb in,your pinky finger bluetooth handset,gloves some James Bond,well here was what was left inside of,there’s a there’s a good side of those,noise-cancelling with 50 bucks for those,late bucks for that 15 20 these are us,to 15 so with this and that then that,right there that added another 516 on to,our total of $2,000 so far so now we’re,up to 2 grand so we’re 15 thousand in,profit,currently which is good not it now you,know what I say 15 grand in Papa but I’m,gonna have to pay the employees up at,the other so we might be might be,sitting around 1200 so 1,300 bucks and,profit right now which is which is not a,bad day,we still got all those boxes left I’m,hoping I’m hoping it would be very very,very awesome we can get to around 5,grand in profit I would be box number 5,or 6 oh yes now we’re getting some what,looks like to be a little bit more junky,stuff here that’s still good I have no,idea what this is clarity telephone,amplifier then you know oh yeah this is,this is once once you get the expensive,yeah right here this is when it starts,to get expensive – do you have your,people itemize this stuff these are like,single items single items like this,imagine having to do every single one of,these items right here just to get them,put online,well this one’s actions are good into,this Powerbank charger right there those,that’ll sell for sure but it will with,38 yeah there we go that’s gonna work,this is for the yield eye watches I,watch things I don’t want to dump this,out this actually might be a little,excessive to dump out all the good stuff,another set of headphones dude we got,power buddies power banks always so we,got a couple good things out of that box,we got this thing we reach out to HDMI,another headset for headphones another,one here too this one really looks like,it’s in really good condition,yep here we go we got that couple power,banks